Thursday, December 10, 2009

Food Recommendations v1

This is the first food recommends post and not the last. Periodically, I will post a new creative thought on food.

Today, I want to share with you my obsession for peanut butter. Peanut butter is delicious.

Babies love it. And so should you.


1.Prepare a bowl of oatmeal.
2. Add a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter. Preferably crunchy.
3. Mix the oatmeal and peanut butter throughly.
4. Eat.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An extended Labor Day

This blog is entitled an extended Labor Day because I have not been back to work since Labor Day. I am un-employed. A quick synopsis: my former employer had to cut back due to the economy. God has greater plans ahead.

My first weekend since then I went with Katie and her family to Lake Guntersville for an enjoyable time. We camped, ate a lot, and fished. If you have the chance to eat at Lake Guntersville's restaurant you should do it. The best buffet in the world. They have delicious mashed potatoes.

Here are some highlight shots:

Katie and her new dog, Bella.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August Rabbits


I am still alive, even though I have not blogged in quite a while. I am going to get on the blog train in September and update you folks at least once, maybe twice, a month. Sound good?

Hope this finds you well.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Viva La Vida

I got home early this morning after Coldplay's Viva la Vida concert. I did as the concert was! The concert was near sell-out at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater.

During the concert a few things popped into my head:
  • The rock/tech/electro/stadium/pop/mellow sounds gives Coldplay an original sound and no one does it better.
  • A few of my fav Coldplay songs are: Clocks, Swallowed in the Sea, Lovers in Japan, The Scientist, and Fix You.
  • My fav Coldplay album is Rush of Blood to the Head.
  • People think it's cool to use their I-phone as a "pretend" lighter. Seriously, people had an ap that was a lighter and they would act as if it was real.
  • The man standing next to me likes Big Yellow Balls. Yellow balls were tossed around the crowd during their song Yellow. This man got three of them!
  • Coldplay was kind to give free Cd's of their Viva la Vida concert free...well I paid for the ticket.
  • The last point I have to make is God loves sinners but hates the sin. As I was singing at the concert I had an epiphany . The church and the concert crowd have a common similarity. We're all sinners. We all sin. And what are we suppose to do as Christians? I asked myself that question and God gave me an answer. God is our father, therefore, we are his children. So, if we're his children then we're brothers and sisters in Christ. As brothers and sisters we are to take care of one another through Christ love.
What do you think?

What's your favorite Coldplay song?
Have you seen Coldplay in concert, if so, where?
What is the last concert you went to?
Comments on the last point

Viva la Vida!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

I should have smashed ......

Preface: I am going to start a series of blogs based on Sunday school lessons that Phillip and myself teach to the youth dudes. Hope you find them blog worthy.

How many times have we felt like reaching for a hammer and smashing it over someones head for being angry at them? Or even punishing ourselves over our anger? I'm sure that we all have been in a similar situation.

There are two things you should know about anger.
  1. Anger is not abnormal
  2. Anger is not sinful

First, anger is normal it is an emotion God has given us. Matter of fact God has been angry with his people before. Therefore, anger can not be abnormal.

Secondly, anger can be used like a crowbar. Either destructively or constructively. Wanting to reach for a crowbar and take out our emotions on someone or however you deal with it is destructive. However, a crowbar can be used for constructive purposes.

Here is what God says about anger:

Ephesians 4:26 In your anger do not sin Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

How do you deal with anger?

P.S. Comments of how I can improve my "blogness" are appreciated.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I got caught painting

I actually didn't and Alabama may be ahead of Virginia. Have you ever thought about have zig-zag road lines? Seems to be very foreign and maybe induced by drugs to have though of such but it prevents our fellow bikers and pedestrians from being hit by cars. Check out the link.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Debt is not a privilege

Preface: This blog is a personal experience of debt and what I have learned from it. At the end of last year I bought a brand new 2008 Toyota Highlander Sport fully loaded w/sunroof, 6-cd changer, premium audio, and a loan.

For a few months I studied the vehicle market and what would satisfy my needs (I could fit in). Actually, I obsessed about buying a vehicle. I would read and create excel spreadsheets meticulously debating what is the right vehicle. Alias! I made the smart move to just "window" shop. I went to the dealership and saw exactly what my heart pounded for a new Highlander. The only question that never begged an complete answer was, "Lance, how do you plan on paying for the car?" Shoot, I had saved enough money to put a "reasonable" down payment...I can buy anything. Let's go in debt!

I sat down with the finance manager wheeling and dealing. Now, I have gotten the payment to something I could afford. Ultra low payments for 6.5 years. Yes, I went to college and studied economics, my common sense light was broken.

Today, I let go of my pride, my greed, my debt. I sold the Highlander for a 10% loss. It was tough to do. I put a lot of prayer and consideration into this decision. God lead me to read 'Total Money Makeover' a few weeks ago. It is written by Dave Ramsey and supplied me with the sense that I didn't have at the time. God spoke to me and I listened to His words of wisdom. He taught me two things: 1. Debt is not a privilege. 2. My money is God's money.

God allowed me to purchase the Highlander because I was greedy to get it. Afterwards he conditioned me to sale it. It was hard to swallow. Sale the Highlander? No! Then that is when I realized my money is God's money.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mercedes Benz Stereotype

The other day I was meeting Katie for lunch at Zoe's in Homewood. My favorite meal at Zoe's is the chicken rollup. The Homewood lunch hour is extremely busy. After driving around the same area three times I finally found a parking place. This was one of those parking places that the car to the left and the right did not maneuver in the center of the spot. The problem car was the Mercedes Benz...actually it was the driver. It was parked on the line just to the right of me. I did the best job to park in the center of a tight tight squeeze. After pulling my truck into the spot the lady stepped out of her Mercedes and gave me a devilish look. I thought...of maybe she is looking at someone else. *looks around* nope..she is definitely looking at me. Matter of fact she starts waving her hands to show me how much room is between our cars. I am thinking that this lady is nuts. So I rolled my window down and said, "Mam, is there anything I can help you with?" She gave another devilish look and said, "Yes, you are too close to my car please don't hit it." would I really just open my door and smash and smash and smash the Benz. On a good day no...on a day where a lady is being very annoying yes. Yet, I said, "Mam I can't do a better parking job because you parked your car on the line....."

After I squeezed to get out of my truck I met Katie at the door of Zoe's. Who comes out the door while I am opening it? The Benz lady and she doesn't say a word not even a glance.

Lesson learned: Don't park next to cranky Benz women they'll give you a devilish look.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today at work I had the pleasure of speaking with a cubanredneck. Yes, went berserk. Anyway, one of the company service trucks was being towed. When the tow man began to load it he bent the rear work bumper on the truck according to dealership. So, I was ready to pick up the phone and call the tow man. Before I had a chance the phone rang and it was the tow man. I politely asked him if he bent the bumper. His repsonse with a Cuban accent, "No, I did not bend the bumper man...I just load it and go." Yeah...the next question, "Are you sure." "Yes, I am sure...I would never lie because I am cuban." Your you don't make mistakes? Then he proceeded to say, "I am cuban and I marry American women she good. She a redneck and they don't lie. I am cuban and work hard. So, I am a cubanredneck and I would never lie to you."

If you were ever wondering cubanredneck's do exist.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ATL & The Snow Show

Yesterday I had an errand to run near ATL for work. So, Katie and I went over for the day. Let me tell you there is never a dull moment in ATL. From people asking for change (not Obama) to expensive...really expensive name brand stores to people doing shady things on the marta. The most memoriable moment was eating at the Tavern in a ritzy mall. The wait was 10 min and standing next to me was a woman who had a diamond that could have bought me a giant boat.
Today it snowed and below is the video of the "The Snow Show". This is what people do when they see snow every 1,000 years...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Uno Vid

My first blog...